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Dixons City Academy


At Dixons City Academy, we have a uniform policy which all students are expected to follow. There is an emphasis on being clean and tidy and students must appreciate that not all items of clothing are appropriate for a place of work.

Our students have always understood this and recognise that conflict over the dress code is inappropriate.

Our uniform policy is practical and allows a choice within very clear boundaries:

  • Students must wear an Academy black V neck jumper with an Academy polo shirt.
  • If students choose to wear polo shirts alone, there should be no visible T shirt / vest or jewellery
  • underneath and they should only undo one top button.
  • Girls must wear full length black trousers / shalwar or plain black kameez and tunic / blouse with the
  • polo shirt / jumper over the top.
  • Boys' and girls' trousers must be black and tailored with the Academy logo, from our approved
  • suppliers. No other trousers are acceptable.
  • If socks are visible under trousers, they should also be plain dark coloured, not trainer style socks and
  • must cover the ankle.
  • Shoes must be sensible and entirely plain black, leather or leather look (not dark brown), with no logo
  • on view, laces must be fastened and be plain black. Pumps and trainers are not acceptable.
  • Hijabs, scarves, turbans, crowns and top knots, worn for religious reasons, must be plain black and well
  • secured.


Hair should be appropriate to a professional place of work, i.e., no unusual styles or colours, shavings or patterns, (this also includes eyebrows). Families will be contacted to restyle hair to ensure it meetsthe academy’s dress code. Hair must be a natural colour. students may be asked to tie hair back for health and safety reasons. Hair bands should be plain black, no other hair ornament is necessary.


Any student wearing jewellery other than; one plain pair of small silver or gold studs in earlobes and one plain unobtrusive ring and watch, will be asked to instantly remove it and it may be confiscated until the end of term. The only exception to this is where there is a known and accepted religious expectation, for example the Sikh Kara. Facial jewellery or visible body-piercings are not allowed.

On dress down days, students are expected to dress sensibly and modestly and still observe the dress code in relation to jewellery.


Makeup is not permitted until Year 10 onwards. This should be entirely discreet. No nail varnish, false nails, eyelashes, or coloured contact lenses at any time. If students wear excessive make-up, nail varnish, false nails, eyelashes, or coloured contact lenses, they will be asked to remove them.

Coats and hats

Outdoor jackets, jumpers or cardigans other than school uniform, should not be worn at any time inside the academy. During cold periods students will need an academy jumper.

Hats and caps need to be removed before entering the building. We recommend that students have all their equipment and clothing clearly named in order that items can be returned if they are found and sent to lost property.

Second-hand uniform

Please contact the school office regarding the purchase of second-hand uniform.