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- Revision Support
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Revision Support
Students complete homework tasks
set on Sparx in full each week, attaining 100%. Links to question support
videos are available for every question asked.
They are expected to record their workings out and book codes for each question and can get support from their teachers if they are still struggling after trying the question and watching the video.
There is drop in support every Thursday 3pm – 4pm in C01.
Students can also access additional practice and self-study through Sparx, with Target Practice, XP Boost and Independent Learning.
100% books
All students have 100% books, written by the teachers to support them with the knowledge they need to know at each cycle and for each subject. The 100% books include:
1. A checklist
2. Knowledge
3. Question and answers to support student with testing themselves
4. Sample assessment paper to support students with applying knowledge
Students take their 100% books to morning meetings and lessons.
Morning meetings
Students use their 100% books each morning to support daily revision. There is a morning meeting schedule in place that rotates round the subjects every 3 weeks for year 7 and 8 and every 2 weeks for year 9, 10 and 11. The students revise on a morning which will be followed by a low stakes assessment the following day. This process support revision and recall.
Year 7/8 students
Year 7 and 8 students have a 100% book for each cycle which includes the knowledge needed for each subject for that cycle. Students need to use these as the first point of call for revision for each of the cycle assessments. For the end of year exams in cycle 3 the students will need all three 100% books to revise from.
Year 9, 10 and 11 students
Students in year 9, 10 and 11 have a 100% book for each course they study. The relevant 100% book needs to be taken to the morning meeting for daily revision as the schedule for morning meetings. Students will then be assessed on the knowledge the following day in morning meetings. Students are also expected to take the relevant 100% book to each subject lesson.