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Dixons City Academy


Safeguarding at DCA

There are three main objectives to Safeguarding at DCA:

  1. To keep all students and staff safe, both in and out of school.
  2. To make sure that students feel safe in school and can be the best version of themselves.
  3. To encourage students to talk openly about any problems so staff can help.

This is achieved in the following ways:

  1. Every person at DCA (staff, student or visitor) is responsible for keeping themselves and others safe.
  2. Students should understand how to keep themselves and others safe inside and outside of school, including when online.
  3. There is a dedicated Safeguarding and Pastoral team in school to help all students and staff keep safe.
  4. Everyone at DCA takes responsibility for reporting any concerns to family members and staff at school.

Reporting a Concern

As Upstanders, DCA staff and students have to stand together against any discrimination, injustice, intolerance or Peer on Peer abuse.

If a student hears any remarks or comments made that discriminate against any other group or individual in school they should speak to:

  1. Their Form Tutor.
  2. Their Head of Year.
  3. A member of the safeguarding team : Mr. Bell, Mr. Sparks, Mr. Yale, Miss Labad or Miss Mann.
  4. Any member of staff at DCA they feel comfortable in talking to.

If a family member or guardian of a DCA student has any reason for concern it is important that this is reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr. Bell, as soon as possible. This can be done by calling school reception on 01274 776777 or using the school email address:

DCA Safeguarding Team

At Dixons City Academy we are Upstanders

At DCA we will not tolerate any use of discriminatory language, racist language, hate language or 'Peer on Peer' abuse.

The consequences for any of this choices will be serious and families will be informed immediately. Other agencies such as the Police may also be involved.

At DCA all students , staff and families agree to:

  1. Be an Upstander and act against discrimination, injustice and intolerance.
  2. Tell others about things they have seen or heard that are not right.
  3. Help to keep people safe, be brave, tolerant, respectful and kind.
  4. Help to make the school and the world a better place by showing respect and kindness to everyone.

Wider Pastoral Support

Personal Performance Team
IN Structure

Advice for Families

At the bottom of this page you will find documents about safeguarding as well as advice on how to talk to young people about these issues. You will also find some links in this section to recommended resources with more advice and information.

Stop Abuse Together: A new government resource to help keep children and young people safer from sexual abuse
Most children won’t tell anyone at the time of their abuse. That’s why it’s important for everyone to know how to spot the potential signs of child sexual abuse and where to go for support if concerned.

The new Stop Abuse Together website ( can help parents and carers learn to spot the signs, have regular conversations with their child which can help keep them safer, and know when it's right to reach out for more support.

Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents and carers
This guidance for parents and carers is based on the voices of children and young people and gives tips to adults about how they can support children to stay safer online. You can download this guide from the link at the end of this page.

Bradford City Family Support Clinic - Early Help Support

Family Support Clinic Early Help Offer

Advice for Staff

Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service
SWGfL and the Marie Collins Foundation have launched the new Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service to support professionals working with children and young people in England. The service helps professionals to respond to incidents of harmful sexual behaviour in their setting. More information can be found in our guidance article.