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Dixons City Academy

Our academy is now closed for the summer break. We look forward to welcoming students back from Monday 2 September. Read More

Remote learning

In the event of your child need to work from home, it is important that they can continue their studies at home. This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents / carers about what to expect from remote learning if local restrictions require entire cohorts to remain at home.

This guide will also future-proof against school closures that could happen at any time due to circumstances such as epidemic, extreme weather, power-loss etc. It also covers the ongoing education of students who cannot be in school when the school remains fully open, but are able to continue with their education.

Students have been provided with 100% Books and they have a login to access the Sparx Maths website (, these should be used to complete the learning detailed on Microsoft Teams. They should use their timetable to help with structuring their day.

Each year group has a Team on MS Teams where they can access the 100% books electronically if they do not have them at home.

What to do - Remote learning