Year 7 Maths Department Competition Winners
Posted 7th April 2022
Congratulations to Riya Gupta, Tayyeba Anwar, Nathan Caignlet, Toby Syrop and Pramitha Krishnaswami, the Year 7 maths students chosen as the winners of a department competition this week.
The students with the Top 30 Maths Cycle 2 results spent a week exercising their mathematically problem solving skills by working on "The Fencing Project"; previously a question set in GCSE coursework, the mathematicians had to work out how a farmer could get the maximum area for their field given 10,000 metres of fencing. They investigated different shapes with perimeters of 10,000m using scale drawings and other mathematical methods.
Students showed great determination in working out the area of a circle using formulas that they had not previously used. Following thorough investigation, students had to conclude, display and explain their results on a poster. You can see the winning results that were chosen by the department below.