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Dixons City Academy


Year 7 intake in September 2025

If you wish to apply for a child to start Year 7 in September 2025, please click here to access the online supplementary form. Once the form is submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

The deadline for submission of completed supplementary forms is 3.30pm on Monday 30 September 2024

Alternatively, if you wish to download a supplementary form this can be found in the Downloads section at the bottom of the page. Paper forms can also be requested by e-mailing: or by telephoning Admissions on 01274 089780 – option 7.

You will also need to complete the local authority (council) common application form (CAF). More information about the application process and a link to the form can be found on Bradford Council’s website in September. You will need to name the Academy as one of your school preferences on that form. The deadline for the CAF is 31 October 2024. If you live outside of the Bradford area, you will need to apply via your own local authority’s website.

The published admission number for this Academy is 180. If the Academy receives many more applications than there are places available, applications will be ranked in the order of the oversubscription criteria. For full details of the admissions arrangements, including the criteria, please read the Admissions and Appeals Policy 2025-26 and the Dixons admissions guidance 2025 intake (these documents are also available from the Downloads section below).

The table below shows the number of applications via the supplementary form last year and how many places were allocated in each ability band (stanine) and the breakdown of those places by oversubscription criteria:

 Applied%Places% Oversubscription criteria 
Stanine 1556.28%116.11% Children with an EHCP9*
Stanine 2576.51%116.11% Looked-after & former looked-after children5
Stanine 3768.68%158.33% Children with exceptional medical or social need (applications agreed)0
Stanine 413915.87%2815.56% Performing Arts (up to 10% of the intake)17**
Stanine 513114.95%3016.67% Children of staff (up to 3)2
Stanine 615517.69%3217.78% Siblings of students in years 7 to 10 at the Academy65
Stanine 711112.67%2212.22% Students at Dixons Music Primary8
Stanine 8738.33%158.33% Students at Dixons Manningham or Dixons Marchbank academies16
Stanine 9799.02%168.89% Random allocation57
Total876 180  Twins / triplets of children admitted under random allocation5

* An additional 4 places have been allocated above the admission number of 180, due to the Academy being named for 4 children with an EHCP, late in the process. These allocations are, consequently, outside of the banding arrangements.

** One of the children allocated a PA place, has also qualified under a higher oversubscription criterion.

Further information about the Academy can be found on this website or by contacting the Academy via:
telephone: 01274 089850


Open Event

An open event is planned to take place on Thursday 19 September. Arrival is from 4.15pm and the event will close at 7.00pm. Presentations will take place at 4.30pm, 5.15pm and 6pm.


In-year admissions (Years 7 to 11)

The funding agreement for the Academy dictates how many students it is funded for in total. The Academy plans its operations such as staffing, timetabling, and provision of resources based on the funding received; this equates to the following provision:

There are 180 places in each of the year groups 7 to 11.

If a child is refused a place, this is because admission of another child would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources.

Where vacancies occur, places are not offered based on the length of time children have been on the list but are filled in coordination with the local authorities and in line with the oversubscription criteria. It is, therefore, possible that a child may be added to the list who qualifies more highly within the criteria than children already on the list because each time a child is added, the list will be ranked again in line with the published oversubscription criteria. Looked-after children, previously looked-after children, and those allocated a place at the Academy in accordance with a Fair Access Protocol take precedence over those on a waiting list.

Applications should be made on Bradford local authority’s ‘In Year Common Application Form’ (ICAF) which is available from the website. Once completed, the form needs to be returned directly to the local authority. On receipt of an ICAF the local authority will then respond to advise if a place is available or not.

Should you have any questions about the admissions process, please e-mail: or telephone: 01274 089780 – option 7.


Mailing list for Year 7 – September 2026

The Academy starts to accept details onto a mailing list from when children commence Year 5 at primary school. Information on how to register interest for September 2026 will be published here in September 2024.

Entry onto the mailing list is not a guarantee of a place. We will simply use the information provided for the mailing list to inform you when the supplementary form is available to complete in July 2025.

Details of our current admissions arrangements can be found in the Admissions & Appeals Policy 2025-26 (available from the Downloads section below). Please note that the Policy relates only to the admission year stated on the document and is subject to change in future years.

Dixons supplementary form 2025 intake (WORD)
Dixons admissions guidance 2025 intake (PDF)
DCA Admissions Appeals Policy 2025 26 (PDF)
DCA Admissions Appeals Policy 2024 25 (PDF)