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Dixons City Academy

Jacob Sparks

Assistant Principal

Jacob began his teaching career at Dixons City Academy as a Newly Qualified Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages in 2016, after completing his Honours Degree at Lancaster University in Spanish and French Studies, and then his PGCE Certificate. Early in his career, Jacob became Assistant Head of MFL and subsequently Head of MFL for two years. He then became a Head of Year, successfully leading the Class of 2020 through their GCSEs to amazing outcomes, allowing the students in his year group the opportunity to pursue bright futures. He then inducted the Class of 2026 into the DCA Community as their Head of Year, helping them to make a brilliant start to secondary school life. Jacob was appointed as Assistant Principal for Culture in June 2023 and is committed to ensuring the wellbeing and safeguarding of our students is held paramount to allow all to thrive academically.